This is not exactly the kind of greetings you want to hear from the lips of an angry boss, especially if you have been working...
Race or color discrimination can be very hurtful to victims, especially in the workplace. Employees should not be treated differently by their coworkers or employers...
It is not that difficult to know what sexual harassment looks like but it may not be that evident at first. There are two general...
The statistics on sexual harassment in Los Angeles are quite alarming these days. About 30 % of women report experiencing unwelcome sexual advances at work....
The workplace can be like the weather, very unpredictable. Problems with discrimination and harassment can arise at any moment. Sometimes coworkers or employers can look...
Some people think the gender pay gap is a myth created by greedy super feminist women who don’t have something better to do with their...
Many people in the restaurant industry suffer injustices at work and don’t complain because they are afraid of losing their jobs. For most restaurant servers,...
It all depends on the reasons why you had to take time off. California is an at-will state, therefore, employers can fire anyone for any...
It is a problem that often goes overlooked in many offices throughout Los Angeles. When most people think of sexual harassment, they usually think of...
When it comes to representation in wrongful termination cases, you need an attorney with a proven track record in Los Angeles and throughout the State of California. We have successfully tried cases in Northern California, Central California, and in Southern California. Contact Rager and Yoon — Employment Lawyers for a free consultation regarding your case.