

Women Denied Promotions Because of Gender

September 16, 2017Rager & YoonDiscrimination

Recent studies show that about 15% of American women are denied promotions and raises because of their gender. This is a growing problem across the nation that should be stopped. It is unfair that these women are not satisfied with their pay and promotions. It shows that gender inequality remains a significant issue. Hire a Pasadena gender discrimination attorney to protect your rights.

Discrimination In The Workplace

A large percentage of women in the workplace say that they have experienced gender discrimination. About 30% of them believe that their salaries would be better if they were male. Many men agreed with this statement and say they would definitely be paid less if they were female. Professional women believe their work is supervised more often than men. Some men agree that women are not promoted because of the eminent discrimination.

Income Inequality

Women generally make less than men. It doesn’t matter how educated a woman is, she still makes less than a man in a similar position. All industries are guilty of allowing such discriminatory comportment in the workplace. It doesn’t matter what position a woman chooses, she will be paid less.

When Denied A Promotion

There is plenty of evidence that many women are frequently denied promotions as well as other opportunities at work. Even women that went to great schools and receive the same training that men do, will still have a hard time climbing the ladder. For some of them, the ladder may not even available. This is why only 17% of them hold board seats among prestigious companies.

Some Obstacles

One of the main problems women face is the need to balance work and family. Many of these women are involved in household activities that drain their energy and slow them down at work. Gender stereotypes are very difficult to change and most women will have to deal with it sooner or later. We must continue to encourage people to think outside stereotypes and reward the contributions both women and men have made to our economy and society as a whole.

The Right Corporate Culture Is The Key

Many strategies favoring gender equality have been developed over the years. However, they are useless if they don’t become part of the corporate culture. There are talented and ambitious women out there that should not be looked down upon for claiming the same opportunities that men have. Employers should expand their efforts to promote this culture of diversity beyond the workplace by partnering with women-owned businesses and supporting their significant roles in society.

When Inequality Reaches Legal Levels

If you are experiencing gender discrimination in the workplace, it is crucial that you contact a Pasadena gender discrimination attorney. The wage gap is real and we must keep fighting against it. Women across our nation should claim their legal rights and make their voices heard through legal intervention. Contact us today and we will examine your circumstances and determine if you have a case.

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