

The Most Successful Types of Wrongful Termination

June 30, 2017Rager & YoonWrongful Termination

You’ve been at a job you love for some time now or maybe you recently started a new job and then suddenly you are let go. At first, you are frazzled and unsure of why. When you go over things you begin to realize the employer may have violated Los Angeles wrongful termination laws with your separation. You feel angry, upset and want to do something about it. Calm down, compile any evidence you can and contact a Los Angeles wrongful termination attorney at Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers to determine the potential of the case. Every claim is different and some types of wrongful termination cases are more successful than others.

Illegal Discrimination And Harassment

Wrongful termination due to illegal discrimination has specific elements that must be proven by any attorney. Some of these protected characteristics are sex, religion, national origin, age, disability and citizenship status. Harassment wrongful termination must also be because of a protected characteristic. This means an employer is harassing you based on your religion. Former employees will need to provide evidence to their attorneys that will substantiate their claim. The amount and type of evidence that can be provided are crucial to winning a case. Evidence that helps seal the case can include emails from your boss denying accommodations for your disability, performance reviews and coworker testimony. The most important type of evidence is anything documented in writing and cases with such evidence tend to be resolved successfully.

Retaliation And Whistleblowing

Federal law prohibits an employer from retaliating against any employee who reports workplace issues like worker’s compensation, health or safety violations, wage violations and illegal discrimination. Whistleblowing laws prevent retaliation against employees who report illegal activities like filing false tax returns or shareholder fraud. Retaliation claims often overlap with discrimination and harassment claims. Many employees have been terminated for reporting an employer who has been illegally discriminating against others. For example, an employee has been fired due to retaliation for reporting discrimination by the employer. A Los Angeles wrongful termination attorney will need to decide whether to include both situations in the lawsuit and how much evidence is viable in the case.

Breach Of Contract

The last on our list is a breach of contract by an employer. This is not a common occurrence and is most successful when there is a written contract. A wrongful termination from breach of contract is when an employer lets you go when there is a contract stating that you will be working for the company for a certain period of time. The contract will also include reasons for potential termination. When entering a company as a contract employee, read over everything very carefully and make sure to retain a copy for your records. This will assist the attorney when filing your suit and also serves as evidence during the trial. If you feel you have been wrongfully terminated in Los Angeles, contact Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers immediately for a consultation.

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