

Signs That You’re Burning Out at Work (And How Lawyers Can Help You)

November 18, 2017 Rager & Yoon Employment

If you’ve worked for the same employer for at least a year, you may know what it’s like to be burned out at work.

Exhaustion, frustration, seeing no motivation to get up in the morning, lack of focus, sinking job performance… These and many other signs that you’re burning out at work have probably made you think once or twice (or more), “Okay… should I quit?”

Quitting your job due to burnout is not an abnormal phenomenon. In fact, studies estimate that up to 50 percent of workforce turnover each year is caused by burnout.

It’s only natural to be wanting to leave your job because of burnout, but what many employees don’t realize is that it’s not always their own fault that they burned out, and that other employees or employer may be responsible for your slipping job performance and all other signs that you’re burning out at work.

Here at Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers, our employment attorneys have helped employees in Los Angeles and all across California to treat their burnout. Now, we aren’t psychologists or doctors that will prescribe you anti-burnout pills.

What we do is find the root of the problem and eliminate it through legal means, because more often than not a burnout at work is caused by negligent, unlawful or even hostile actions by your employees or employer.

Here are seven signs that you’re burning out at work (and how lawyers can help you):


You constantly have no energy to do anything at work. It seems like you’re tired all the time, and even taking a day off doesn’t help.

Lack of motivation

You aren’t enthusiastic about your work anymore and you no longer imagine a bright future in your career. Getting up in the morning may become a challenging task.

Frustration and cynicism

You’re constantly frustrated and pessimistic about anything that has to do with work or even outside work. Even cynicism may manifest itself when you’re burning out at work.

Lack of focus

You can’t seem to focus on anything at work. Even if there are tight deadlines, you just can’t bring yourself to do a project.

Sinking job performance

A burnout never happens overnight, which means there’s a high chance that your burnout has been gradually growing in magnitude for quite a while now. That means your job performance may have been slipping for months or even years now.

Bad workplace culture

Over 26 percent of HR professionals estimate burnout may be caused by bad workplace culture. If you’re being harassed, bullied or discriminated against in the workplace, no matter how awesome your job is or how excited you may have been about your career at first, your enthusiasm will eventually go down the tubes. In this case, it’s imperative to seek the legal advice of an experienced employment attorney in Los Angeles, as bad workplace culture is something you can battle and get rid of through legal means (and put an end to your burnout as a result).

Being preoccupied with work

Over 41 percent of HR professionals believe that unfair compensation is to blame for burnout at work, while 32% others think it’s unreasonable workload and another 32% think it’s too much overtime hours that cause burnout.

It’s not uncommon to see employees in Los Angeles working overtime and after-work hours. And more often than not, those overtime hours are unpaid. And in many cases, employees even have to take work home and spend evenings with documents rather than their family.

Here at Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers, our employment attorneys have helped employees negotiate fair terms of work schedules and ensure that their rights are not violated.

Moreover, it’s vital to address any concerns regarding bad workplace culture (discrimination, bullying and harassment) by consulting our discrimination attorney. Also, if you’re not getting paid for working overtime hours, consulting a Los Angeles employment attorney may be your only chance to get your hard-earned money and negotiate fair overtime terms.

This may not only result in a bigger income and eliminate discrimination and harassment in the workplace, but also help you get rid of burnout and start enjoying your work.

Call Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers at 310-527-6994 or fill out this contact form to get a free initial consultation.

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