

A New Pasadena Law Could Ban Contract Truck Drivers, Yet CDL Job Opportunities Are Booming

January 12, 2018 Rager & Yoon Employment Law

Trucking companies in Pasadena seem to be unfazed by California’s plans to pass legislation that bans independent contract truck drivers across the state.

Employment law attorney Jeffrey Rager has reviewed the impact of California’s newly unveiled plans to stop using independent contractors in Pasadena and all across California.

So far, trucking companies across the state, who heavily rely on independent contract truck drivers, are refusing to believe that the state could pass the legislation, and haven’t begun diversifying their employment process to cushion the blow when – and if – the ban gets the green light from local lawmakers.

While it is estimated that hundreds of thousands of Californian truck drivers could be put out of work if the state bans independent contractors, truck drivers are still actively looking for contract truck drivers, as revealed by quick research done by our attorneys at Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers.

There are literally hundreds of job openings for contract truck drivers in Pasadena alone, which means trucking companies couldn’t care less about the new law.

But what’s all the fuss about?

How Many Truck Drivers Risk Losing Their Jobs In Pasadena

Last month, city councils across California voted to start looking for legal ways to ban trucking companies that use independent contractors.

Fact: there are more than 3.5 million truck drivers across the country, while the number of independent contract truck drivers is unclear.

Independent contractors haul millions of cargo every year and using them instead of employed truck drivers gives trucking companies a plethora of benefits, our Pasadena employment attorneys at Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers explain.

If the state moves forward with its plans to ban trucking companies that violate employee rights of independent contractors, tens of thousands of truck drivers across Pasadena could be left unemployed.

The new legislation banning independent contractors is supposed to help truck drivers though, as the state’s lawmakers claim that complaints filed against trucking companies for violating employee rights have been booming lately.

Independent contract truck drivers have been victims of unfair treatment at the hands of trucking companies for decades, as they have been denied fair wages, rights and benefits.

Will You Be Affected By The Independent Contractor Ban

Many Californian trucking companies that classify their truck drivers as independent contractors, including companies in Pasadena, could be affected by the ban, our employment class action lawyers warn.

But does it mean that all those contract truck drivers will lose their jobs in an instant? Not necessarily. The ban is expected to target only those trucking companies that are known to be violating employee rights and/or breaking federal and state laws.

From decades of experience in litigating employment class action cases from truck drivers, our attorneys at Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers note that independent contractors have endured illegal employment practices for many years now.

And while the law is supposed to help those truck drivers seek justice against dishonest and unfair trucking companies, thousands of Pasadena truck drivers, who are currently classified as independent contractors, risk losing their jobs.

If you’re concerned that the law may result in your firing or unfair treatment from your trucking company, consult our skilled attorneys today to find out whether or not your employer could be affected by the ban (and ways to prepare for the worst outcome).

Call our attorneys at 310-527-6994 to get a free initial consultation.

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