

Multiple Whistleblowers Name LAPD Officer in Executioner Gang

October 12, 2020Rager & YoonWhistleblower

None of us want to be in a situation where we need to whistleblow, but we find it necessary when illegal and often heinous acts are going on. We want to work in places where integrity matters, but that isn’t always the case. The Los Angeles whistleblower lawyers at Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers wish to discuss a recent Los Angeles case involving our police department.

What Happened In This Whistleblowing Incident

In August 2020, a deputy shot and killed 18-year-old Andres Guardado. According to whistleblowers, this was part of his initiation into the gang of officers known as the “Executioners” or at least to garner their attention, hoping for membership.

At least twelve police officers in the LAPD Compton area have matching tattoos signifying their allegiance to each other. They use their power to tilt and alter the LAPD crime statistics in their favor. They have also used intimidation techniques to cover up their tracks, making sure the wrong people don’t complain.

These officers, these “executioners,” are thriving on lawlessness and ending people’s lives in the name of serving and protecting. Multiple whistleblowers have rallied to stop this terrible action, but they face the wrath of fellow officers.

Going against your fellow officers, whistleblowing, is a call for integrity, doing the right thing, and putting so much on the line. If you are in this situation, please do not hesitate to give us all if you need an attorney. Our whistleblowing attorneys would love to help you immediately.

Whistleblowing Produces Huge Strain

We only see the successful side of whistleblowing. The anxiety, stress, and strain produce something that not many people realize is common. At Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers, our Los Angeles whistleblower attorneys want to help you in your challenging position so you can be protected as you seek to do the right thing today.

Whistleblowers struggle with such things as:

  • Harassment
  • Loss of employment
  • Psychological issues such as high anxiety, stress, and panic attacks
  • Loss of income
  • Other forms of retaliation

It takes great courage to be a whistleblower, witnessing illegal and immoral activities in your company and letting the authorities know. Taking a stand on principle needs to be protected from retaliation and revenge from those who benefit from those illegal actions, and we want to help you. We want to offer you the protection you need as you hold people accountable for their terrible and illicit activities.

Call Us Today For A Free Consultation On Your Case

If you or somebody you love is in a whistleblowing situation in the Los Angeles area, please contact us immediately. We want to act as quickly as possible to assist you as best we can. We pledge to conduct a full investigation into your claim so we can secure the compensation you need. This can include:

  • Lost wages
  • Punitive damages
  • Psychological care
  • Other damages (vandalism, loss of property)

When you need a Los Angeles whistleblower lawyer, you can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling 310-527-6994.


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