

Former Disney CEO Accused of Discrimination and Wrongful Termination

December 18, 2020Rager & YoonWrongful Termination

There was a time when longevity in employment meant loyalty would be reciprocated.  Many are learning the hard way that is no longer the case.  During the pandemic, many have found themselves unemployed or underemployed while others had their jobs jeopardized in other ways.

Take your employer, for instance.  Let’s say you have worked for them for over a decade.  You feel comfortable and confident in your job.  You’re thankful to have employment when so many are struggling.  Still, life goes on.  Now an old injury is kicking in, and you require surgery.  You take the necessary steps and request medical leave.

Then after over a decade of loyalty, you’re fired.

That is precisely what a property maintenance worker is alleging against former Disney CEO Michael Eisner and his wife, Jane.

If you have been terminated or harassed to retire, you may be entitled to compensation.  Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers are a knowledgeable team of wrongful termination lawyers in Los Angeles, California.  We know all too well that any employment can become hostile.  We’re here for you.  Please, contact us today.

Retaliation or Discrimination

Linares was employed as a handyman by the Eisners for 13 years.  He is alleging that after a heart attack in 2018, the Eisners began harassing him to retire.  His suit claims the Eisners told him he was too old and slow to fulfill his duties.

Last March, Linares was told he would need knee surgery and requested the doctor recommended time off.  Unfortunately, his heart condition and the threat of coronavirus put him in danger of significant complications.  Linares gave the doctor’s note to the Eisners requesting accommodations.

Nevertheless, the Eisners are accused of not making any such accommodations.  Instead, Linares claims they had him stay at home and use two weeks of vacation time.  When Linares was cleared and ready for work, the Eisners told him not to come back due to the pandemic shut down.  However, all other employees were allowed to return.

As Linares waited to be asked back to work, but it never happened.  He instead received a note describing his termination and that his position had been eliminated.

Employers Seek to Disguise Discrimination in Many Ways

Smart employers may seek to disguise their discrimination to avoid lawsuits.  In the case above, the Eisners sent a letter eliminating his position.  If you feel you are being mistreated at work, listen to your gut.  It may take the expertise of a lawyer to put that gut feeling into context.  The discrimination attorneys at Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers are highly trained.  They can discuss your case and advise you on your next steps.

According to the Department of Fair Employment and Housing, the number of discrimination complaints is still growing.  In the latest reporting year,

  • There were 28,739 intake forms submitted.
  • Of those, 22,584 complaints were filed
  • 15,076 complaints went through to Right-to-Sue
  • DFEH investigated another 6,636 complaints
  • 710 resulted in a settlement for a combined $14,834,753.25

Why You Need Representation

If you or someone you know has suffered harassment or have been wrongfully terminated, you need to contact a discrimination attorney in Los Angeles, California today.  Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers will fight to secure the compensation you deserve.  You can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling us at 310-527-6994.

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