

Chino Wrongful Termination Attorney Kaiser Permanente

Kaiser Permanente provides employment to hundreds of doctors, nurses, administrators, and support staff. A company that large has extremely complex internal policies regarding employee discipline, standards, and privacy. However, they are also extremely cost-motivated, and they may take adverse action against their employees to save money. They may also look the other way when management or other employees are acting in a harmful way toward other workers. When this type of action takes place, you need a Chino Kaiser wrongful termination attorney to help with your employment claim against this huge company.

Potential Employment Lawsuits Against Kaiser Permanente

If you feel like you have been terminated for an illegal reason, discriminated against, or harassed at work, you may have a legal claim. Kaiser Permanente’s employment practices are also used in other Kaiser entities, including:

  • Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
  • Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
  • Southern California Permanente Medical Group (SCMG)
  • The Permanente Medical Group (TPMG)
  • The Permanente Federation, LLC

Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers has been representing workers from Kaiser Permanente and related entities for more than 20 years. As a Chino Kaiser wrongful termination attorney, Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers knows the tactics that they use to deal with employment claims and some of the best ways to get around them.

How Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers Can Help With Your Chino Kaiser Permanente Employment Claim

Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers also has the skill and resources you need to present your case well in front of a Southern California jury.
A permanent attorney can also help you gather information to help you present your case, including:

  • Witness statements
  • Wage or hour records
  • Employment background information
  • Data on similar cases
  • Surveillance records
  • Patient information or documents that might otherwise be private

Having representation from someone who has dealt with this specific employer repeatedly in the past can be an invaluable resource for any employee who is considering an employment claim.

Applicable California Laws To Consider

Both federal law and the laws in Chino, California protect workers in a variety of ways. There are also special protections for healthcare workers that might apply to your situation as well.
For example, the California Health and Safety Code Section 1278.5 encourages healthcare workers, including nurses and other members of medical staff, to notify the government of suspected unsafe patient care and conditions. If a healthcare worker reports these conditions and Kaiser Permanente terminates your employment shortly after that, you may have a good claim for wrongful termination. Keep in mind, however, that Kaiser will almost never come out and say that they have ended your employment because of your report. They may “develop” another reason to fire you.
Terminating your employment is also not the only form of retaliation Kaiser Permanente may engage in. Other forms of retaliation may include (but are not necessarily limited to) the following:

  • Passing you over for promotions you have earned
  • Demoting you for reasons that do not appear to be justified
  • Disciplining you in a manner that seems excessive or unwarranted
  • Preventing you from participating in training programs or other programs/opportunities that would potentially benefit your career
  • Decreasing your pay
  • Decreasing your hours worked if you are paid by the hour

The law is on your side if, after reporting unsafe conditions or otherwise taking some action that may have potentially upset your employer, Kaiser Permanente has retaliated against you. That said, because Kaiser Permanente usually handles these types of matters via its own arbitration process, it is extremely important that you enlist the help of a Chino wrongful termination attorney who specializes in cases involving Kaiser Permanente.

Types Of Chino Kaiser Permanente Cases We Handle

As the above example demonstrates, many of the most common complaints against Kaiser Permanente involve retaliation. The company has a history of firing or otherwise retaliating against employees who report unsafe conditions and similar issues.
However, these are not the only types of complaints that have been lodged against Kaiser Permanente in the past. There have also been some instances in which employees and ex-employees have acted against Kaiser Permanente due to what may have been discriminatory practices.
The team at our Chino Kaiser wrongful termination lawyer has handled a wide range of cases involving this notorious employer. If you work for Kaiser Permanente or have in the past, and you believe the company’s treatment of you has in some way constituted a violation of California’s labor laws, schedule a meeting with our team to learn more about your potential legal options.
In cases like these, having a Chino Kaiser wrongful termination attorney is essential. Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers can help. Call or email today for more information or to schedule a case evaluation: 310-527-6994 or jeff@ragerlawoffices.com

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