

Pasadena Racial Discrimination Attorney

In the workplace, you should be judged by your work ethic and never by your race or the color of your skin. These are factors that do not contribute to your education and ability to do your job. Individuals who suffer racial discrimination at work can bring legal action against the employer even when such incidents took place in the private sector. Working with a Pasadena racial discrimination attorney can place you in the best position to succeed. Our attorneys generally file claims under FEHA since it prohibits any discrimination based on the employee’s race or ethnic background.

Types Of Racial Discrimination

Racial discrimination in the workplace is more common than most people realize. It can even reach a point where your employment is terminated. There are a few forms of racial discrimination to look out for including:

  • A position denied based on the employee’s race or ethnic background.
  • Disrespectful comments against a particular race.
  • When a promotion is denied due to someone’s racial background.
  • When an employee is treated differently from the rest of their co-workers.
  • When racial tension initiated a hostile environment at work.
  • When promotions, training, and opportunities for advancement as well as benefits are denied.
  • When the worker suffers retaliation for suing the employer.
  • When a wrongful termination was caused by racial differences.

If you witness or are subjected to any form of racial discrimination, you need to contact a racial discrimination attorney at Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers immediately to discuss your case.

California Law

Employees who become victims of racial discrimination are fully protected under California laws. Besides the FEHA protections, you can also hire a Pasadena racial discrimination attorney to gather evidence that will support your claims. There are different forms of evidence that can be collected to help your case such as circumstantial, direct, comparative, and statistical evidence. A good example of direct evidence is when someone makes inappropriate or offensive comments regarding an employee’s racial background. With larger companies or corporations you may need precise statistical analysis to prove that the Pasadena employer is practicing racial discrimination in the workplace when hiring, promoting or paying employees who are not the same race as the person making these types of decisions. However, racial discrimination can also happen between people in the same race. Comparative evidence will demonstrate that rules or standards were applied depending on the race of the employee. If you are experiencing this type of scenario at work, a Pasadena racial discrimination attorney can handle your case in Pasadena or any other court located in California.
You have a one-year time restraint to file your claim in California. This is why it’s crucial to seek legal advice from an experienced attorney as soon as possible. Some of the common damages that can be experienced and later paid in a discrimination case include hiring, back pay, future wages, attorney fees, emotional distress as well as fines and punitive damages. Contact us today and schedule your initial case evaluation.

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