

Los Angeles Me Too Termination Attorney

The #MeToo movement has brought national attention to the pervasive issue of workplace sexual harassment and assault. At Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers, we stand with survivors in Los Angeles. If you were wrongfully terminated after experiencing sexual misconduct at work, we can help. Our experienced attorneys understand the trauma associated with these situations and are dedicated to holding employers accountable and protecting your rights.

How Can Wrongful Termination Occur After #MeToo

Many victims of sexual harassment and assault fear retaliation when they come forward. Unfortunately, these fears are often justified. Employers may retaliate against victims in various ways, including:

  • Termination: This is a common form of retaliation. The employer may fabricate a reason for termination, such as poor performance, or simply claim they are “restructuring” the company.
  • Demotion or Negative Performance Reviews: An employer might try to make your work environment unbearable, hoping you will resign.
  • Reduced Work Hours or Responsibilities: This tactic aims to isolate you or make it difficult to perform your job effectively.
  • Shift Changes or Unfavorable Schedules: This can disrupt your childcare or personal life, creating additional stress.

What are Your Rights as a #MeToo Victim in Los Angeles

California and federal laws protect employees from retaliation after reporting sexual harassment or assault. These laws cover various actions, including termination, demotion, and changes in work assignments.

Here are some critical legal protections for #MeToo victims in California:

  • California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA): This law prohibits discrimination and harassment based on sex, which includes sexual harassment and assault. It also protects employees from retaliation for reporting such incidents.
  • Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964: This federal law prohibits discrimination based on sex in the workplace. This includes both sexual harassment and retaliation for reporting it.

What You Can Do if You Were Wrongfully Terminated After #MeToo

If you believe you were terminated after experiencing sexual misconduct at work, it is crucial to act quickly. Here’s what you should do:

  • Gather Evidence: Document the harassment in as much detail as possible. Include dates, times, locations, witnesses, and any specific details of the misconduct. Save any emails, texts, or voicemails related to the harassment or your termination.
  • Contact an Employment Lawyer: An experienced lawyer can review your situation and advise you on your legal options. They can help you navigate the legal process and fight for your deserved compensation.
  • File a Complaint: You may have the right to file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH).

Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers: Your Trusted Partner in Los Angeles

At Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers, we understand the complexities of #MeToo cases and the emotional toll they take on victims. Our compassionate and experienced attorneys are dedicated to protecting your rights and achieving justice. Here’s what sets us apart:

  • Experienced and Knowledgeable: Our lawyers have a proven track record of success in wrongful termination, including sexual harassment cases.
  • Compassionate Representation: We understand the sensitive nature of these cases and are committed to providing you personalized attention and support throughout the legal process.
  • Aggressive Advocacy: We will fight tirelessly to hold your employer accountable and recover the compensation you deserve, including lost wages, benefits, emotional distress damages, and punitive damages (sometimes).

We offer a free consultation to discuss your situation in detail. This will help you understand your legal options and determine the best course of action for your case.

We understand that no amount of money can erase the trauma you’ve experienced. However, holding your employer accountable can be an essential step towards healing. Let Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers fight for the justice you deserve.

Contact Us Today

If you believe you have been wrongfully terminated in retaliation for your involvement in the Me Too movement, don’t wait to seek legal help. Contact Rager & Yoon today at 310-527-6994 to schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced Me Too termination attorneys. We’ll listen to your story, answer your questions, and help you understand your legal rights and options. Your voice deserves to be heard, and we’re here to help you fight for justice.

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