

Riverside Marital Status Discrimination Attorney

Marriage, much like one’s religious affiliation or skin color, is a sacred right within the workplace. Who, why, or when someone joined with another in matrimony is, quite frankly, nobody’s business. Unfortunately, many Riverside marital status discrimination cases we undertake involve men and women being terminated or denied rightfully owed bonuses or wages because they failed to disclose marital status or discuss intricacies surrounding their marriage.
Harassed, demoted, wrongfully terminated, or retaliated against because you’re married and simply don’t bring personal matters to work? Compensation may be recoverable as Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers will look at your marital status discrimination suit without cost or obligation.

Marital Discrimination, In All Forms, Is Illegal

Under California law, an employer cannot refuse to hire individuals based on marital status. This includes same-sex couples, single folks, or widowers. Also, employers cannot ask marital-specific questions during an interview process or refuse to hire you based on your refusal to answer.
Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers evaluates every claim, fighting aggressively to recover damages while holding employers accountable. Many times, we’re able to get employers to change their practices, even remove folks who cause marital discrimination.
So, what constitutes marital status discrimination in California?

  • Any employment refusal based solely on one’s marital status or failure to disclose status.
  • Providing unsafe work conditions due to marital status.
  • The pay was reduced because the manager found out that the woman worker wasn’t single.
  • Retaliating against a married person by forcing overtime work without pay.
  • Harassing a married woman into getting divorced or losing her job.

Many more situations where our Riverside marital status discrimination attorney was hired to defend wrongfully terminated married folks exist. Since no two situations are similar, we’ll look at your case and determine what meritorious case you may have.

FEHA Protects Marital Statuses

California’s own workplace enforcement tool, The Fair Employment and Housing Act, protects marital statuses and those who wish to keep relationship statuses private. The Act is specific in the remedies available to employees when their workplace, or potential job, knowingly violates the Act.
Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers will work hard to recover:

  • Wages lost resulting from marital harassment or termination
  • An employee’s job, including preservation of title and prestige
  • All attorney fees associated with litigating for our clients
  • Punitive damages, including employer changing practices
  • Pain and suffering employees endured while out of work

How much we can recover is determined by numerous factors regardless if we settle in or outside of court. Federal laws may also apply to your case, meaning more damages and punishment may be within reach.

Fighting To Preserve Your Marital Status At Work

Often overlooked, marital discrimination is serious in California. Because our firm features an experienced Riverside marital status discrimination lawyer prepared to tackle employer wrongdoing, it’s logical to call Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers so your case can be professionally evaluated.
The pain and humiliation often felt by employees force them into depression. If all you wanted to do was work and support your family, and employer discrimination was based on marital status, let our law firm look over your case free of charge.

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