

Torrance Employment Attorney

When you go to work, you expect to put in your best effort during your shift and to be adequately and fairly compensated for it. Across the United States, a plethora of workplaces offer men and women with certain skills to enjoy long and bountiful careers, which can be very lucrative in some cases. With numerous federal and state laws in place to protect wages, health benefits, and employees’ safety across every sector of employment, you may feel like it is almost impossible to run into any legal issues relating to your work. Unfortunately, almost every sector has its share of employers who are willing to purposely infringe on their employee’s rights by denying opportunities to deserving workers only to give them to whoever is in favor at that point in time or to someone who may be able to benefit them further down the line.
When you face any employment law issue in Torrance or elsewhere in Southern California, an experienced attorney from the prestigious Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers could provide the legal representation you need while navigating the complexities of mediation. With decades of trial experience, including countless successes, our Torrance employment attorneys have protected the rights of many wrongful workers attempting to fight back against inequality in the workplace.

California Employment Law And How It Applies To You

When you are employed in California by any United States business, your rights are automatically protected by a number of state and federal laws, including EEOC, the Civil Rights Act, and FMLA. Each of these pieces of legislation was compiled to ensure that workers are treated fairly and that employers are legally obligated to pay their employees adequately, offer each worker an equal chance of progression and advancement, and provide safe working conditions. However, as you are sure to be aware, there are plenty of employers who give little regard to California or federal mandates.
As highly experienced Torrance employment attorneys, we have encountered countless instances of employment law violations where productivity has been overtaken by the employer’s malice and greed. Some of the cases we have successfully litigated have related to employees:

  • Being wrongfully terminated for reporting unsafe incidents or corporate fraud. This is known as whistleblowing, and retaliating against a whistleblower is illegal
  • Are fired, or threatened with being fired, for attending a family member’s funeral, spouse’s pregnancy, or other family emergency
  • Are forced to work in incredibly difficult conditions due to an employer refusing to make reasonable adjustments to accommodate a disability
  • Find themselves unable to progress due to refusing to perform sexual favors for their managers or employers
  • Are denied promotion due to race or national origin
  • Suffer discriminatory behavior due to religious beliefs, gender, or other characteristics
  • Are not paid as agreed for overtime work or are wrongly reclassified as contractors so that the employer can avoid obligations

Workplace Safety, Equality, and Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers

When you are not being treated as you should be at the workplace, you could benefit from expert legal representation from a Torrance employment attorney. To schedule your free initial consultation, call Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers today at 310-527-6994.

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