

Torrance Marital Status Discrimination Attorney

Your marriage is incredibly important to you and your spouse, but, be perfectly honest, it has absolutely nothing to do with your employer. The only reason why your marital status is important in the workplace is when your employer is learning that they cannot discriminate against you because of it. For most, this realization is obvious and occurs to them through common sense, as a reasonable person would never consider that marital status discrimination is acceptable. For some, it requires an employee to act against them, ensuring they do not commit this breach of employment law in the future.
If you are one of the Torrance employees who is discriminated against, harassed, or otherwise unfairly treated in the workplace because of your marital status, whether you are male or female, an experienced attorney from Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers could provide the legal representation, guidance, and support you require.

What Constitutes Marital Status Discrimination In California

Under California law, employers are not permitted to take marital status into consideration while hiring employees or considering pay increases or promotions. The protection offered by this legislation extends to single people, widowers, and married employees, including those in same-sex marriages. Not only are employers prohibited from making employment-related decisions based on marital status, but it is also unlawful for any questions relating to your marital status to be asked during an interview.
At Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers, our marital status discrimination attorneys are committed to holding employers accountable for their unlawful actions and will aggressively pursue those who are guilty of discrimination on any grounds. Through employing the extensive legal expertise we have garnered over decades of experience, we will work tirelessly to ensure your employer puts an end to these discriminatory practices and to secure the compensation and damages you are entitled to.
The types of marital discrimination our Torrance attorneys have handled include:

  • Employment refused due to a potential employee’s marital status or refusal to confirm their marital status when asked
  • Unsafe working conditions provided due to the employee’s marital status
  • A female employee having their wages reduced due to not being single
  • Retaliation against a married employee, taking the form of forced unpaid overtime
  • Harassing a married woman into getting divorced or risk losing her job

This is by no means an exhaustive list, and a Torrance marital status discrimination attorney can help with any form of marital status discrimination.

How A Torrance Marital Status Discrimination Attorney Can Help You

Employees in Torrance and elsewhere in California are protected from marital status discrimination by The Fair Employment and Housing Act. Under the terms of this Act, you are entitled to refuse to disclose your relationship status and to be protected from discrimination.
Whatever form your marital status discrimination takes, a Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers attorney will work on your behalf to recover damages in respect of:

  • Wages lost due to harassment or termination based on marital status
  • An employee’s job title, prestige, and other aspects of their job
  • Attorney fees incurred while litigating against marital status discrimination
  • Punitive damages, including ordering the employer to change their practices and procedures
  • Pain and suffering inflicted on the employee due to marital status discrimination

If you believe you have been a victim of marital status discrimination in the workplace and could benefit from expert legal representation, schedule your free initial consultation by calling Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers at 310-527-6994 today.

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