

Pasadena Disability Discrimination Attorney

Persons with disabilities are well protected under Federal and California law. As a rule, employers are not allowed to withhold advancement opportunities, pay lower wages, bully or otherwise discriminate because you’re an able-bodied individual working with a disabling condition. Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers, an aggressive yet compassionate disability discrimination attorney, fights for disabled persons who’ve been segregated at their jobs or otherwise ‘cut off’ from opportunities given to those without disabilities.
Don’t get bullied, or let an employee leave you feeling less than human because you’re disabled. The Americans with Disabilities Act, along with several California and Federal laws, make these actions illegal and punishable

Laws Protect Disabled Persons. So Does Rager Law

Legally speaking, the definition of ‘disabled person’ is much broader than you’d imagine. Workers in California are protected as a disabled person regardless of:

  • Physical appearances
  • Cancer stage, especially if in remission
  • Physiological condition, including the inability to walk, stand, learn, see or hear
  • Whether you’re clinically depressed or have ADHD, ADD, or similar
  • The fact you may be any of the above, but won’t know until diagnosed as such
  • Your intention to become pregnant, stage of pregnancy, miscarrying a child or similar

Disability discrimination arises when an employer refuses advancement opportunity, fails to pay fair wages, discontinues benefits without merit or even failing to offer overtime due to conditions existing above. If you feel anyone you or your loved one are being wrongfully discriminated due to disabling conditions, a results-driven Pasadena disability discrimination attorney is one call away.

Understanding Disability Rights And Interactive Process

An employee who preemptively discusses an ensuing or concurrent disability has the right to an interactive process, which entails dialogue between an employer and employee to determine suitable work accommodations. These aids may include modifications to workspace, smaller more frequent breaks, interpreters, shortened work days, handicap accessibility additions and extensions of medical leave.
As California law requires all employers to arrange or make available reasonable accommodations for disabled persons able to work, failing to provide such constitutes an act of disability discrimination.
Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers offers a well-respected representation of clients with disabling conditions.

Disability Discrimination Claims We Handle

Working with a disability, but feel discriminated against? We offer skilled Pasadena disability discrimination attorney help to those who’ve been wronged because of their physical or mental incapacities. Our services include:

  • Help with disability claim reconsideration
  • Assist clients with navigating the often menacing process of filing insurance claims
  • Request medical exams from unbiased, independent medical facilities
  • Raise suit against employers who’ve not only denied compensation but have bullied you into quitting or keeping quiet.

Many conditions exist where disabled persons are simply too scared to speak up out of fear of retaliation.
Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers handles every phase of physical, emotional and financial abuse against disabled persons. Don’t feel victimized any longer.
A caring Pasadena disability discrimination attorney from our firm will offer a no cost, no obligation look at your claim to determine eligibility and what steps will be taken to hold your employer accountable.

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