In February, California’s Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) filed a lawsuit, alleging Tesla, Inc. harbored an atmosphere of harassment and racial discrimination against...
Discrimination in the workplace is illegal and should not be tolerated. At Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers, we strive to stand up for the...
Discrimination in the workplace is illegal. Employers cannot discriminate at any level of employment, including in their hiring practices. However, a recent case is raising...
No employer has the right to discriminate against their workers based on their gender. California and federal laws clearly outline many types of discrimination that...
Unfortunately, yes. Weight is not a protected status under state law, and California employers are free to terminate a person for any reason that doesn't...
The supermarket giant Safeway has settled a lawsuit brought by a deaf job applicant who says that the company failed to provide an interpreter for...
Equal Pay Day, which went down on the books this year on April 2, marks the day of the year when women's earnings—combined with their...